Post by siuyi (10) on Aug 24, 2010 21:05:39 GMT -8
Hi all sellers,
kindly be informed that we will perform a small gotong-royong at the Bazaar section. The obejctives are:
1) to upkeep the tidiness; 2) to separate the locked threads to the archive; 3) to re-allocate the topics to their respective thread as there is small confuse of the topics and sub-topics to be located.
sorry to inform that if your thread is relocated to a new sub-topic:
eg. from "Exterior" section to "Others" section & etc
there will be no notice or message to be issued to inform about the relocation. please read over the all sub-topics to detect the location of ur topic.
Sorry for the inconvenience caused.
We aim to make it a simple, tidy and resourceful bazaar for both sellers and members of the club in here~
Bazaar moderation team
Post by George (13) on Aug 24, 2010 22:00:22 GMT -8
thanks siuyi for the help...
Post by siuyi (10) on Aug 25, 2010 18:12:50 GMT -8
Done with the arrangements and clean-ups.
Thank you for keeping the Bazaar loaded with offers. Enjoy the Raya shopping as well~